Tag Archives: Politics

God’s Will for My Family

Published on: Author: bette 2 Comments

I shouldn’t be shocked by yesterday’s Supreme Court Decision – but it has stirred something deep in me and I feel like I’m in some sort of a time warp. I have been careful about when, and with whom, to share my own story, but now I know I need to speak out   In… Continue reading

What’s the Matter with You, Facebook?

Published on: Author: bette 2 Comments

I’m not sure why Mark Zukerberg decided to use the term “Newsfeed” for the string of posts that my friends put up on their own Facebook pages every day.  I honestly wish I could go to one of the Q and A’s that he hosts for Facebook employees every Friday and ask that question. My… Continue reading

Home Street Home

Published on: Author: bette 7 Comments

Kids have been dropping out of high school since there have been high schools, but our dropout “problem” is relatively new. At the age of 11, my grandfather, John Alfred “Benny” Benson, was sent to work on a stranger’s farm in the next county when his mother died.  His father, Otto Benson, an Iowa farmer… Continue reading

What’s an Evangelical Voting Bloc?

Published on: Author: bette 10 Comments

On January 24, 2016 I heard the political commentators on CNN talking about which of the candidates for the Republican nomination for President would win the “Evangelical Voting Bloc.”  I started this blog post that night, but I have not been able to let go of it and move on. It’s now September 5, 2016,… Continue reading