
I started this blog in February 2009 for two reasons:

First, after almost a decade of retirement,  Richard (aka Dick) and I finally arranged our lives so that we could spend more time traveling.



However, since I still didn’t feel ready to retire at that time, Richard installed a high-speed satellite dish on the top of the RV so that I could stay involved with what was happening in education – and add my two-cents’ worth as the spirit moved.  When I discovered Edublogs.org, I thought it would be a good place to chronicle our travels – and any other random ideas I felt like I wanted to record.


So, my first reason for starting this blog was to be able to document, in a linear fashion, both our physical meanderings as we travel from place to place . . . and also my own mental meanderings which are anything but linear!


My second reason was that as a teacher and as a learner, I know that the only way to really learn something is to simply jump in with both feet and, as the Nike folks would say, “JUST DO IT!”     I have felt for many years that technology was a train that was moving so fast I could never catch up.    Now with 20/20 hindsight I know I was right.    I will never “catch up,” so I will just have to close my eyes and jump on the train – taking whatever bumps and bruises may be the result!


There really is, however, a third reason for starting this blog.   I have been in education either as a student, a teacher, or a consultant for my entire life and have always wanted to somehow make a difference.    When I left classroom teaching in 1998 and began to connect with other educators whose ideas aligned with mine, I truly believed that I could make a difference within the system.  


As I return again to this blog – 6 years after starting it – I have come to accept that the system doesn’t want to change, and that if I am to make a difference,  it will be by connecting with folks on-line who hold the same vision for the future of education as I do.        Thanks for finding my blog . . . happy trails, and I hope to hear from you!




4 Responses to About Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. Nice…look forward to your meanderings…I’m a bit of a meanderthal myself…see you in cyberspace!

    • Hey Darrell! That was over 3 years ago and I’m still learning new things! Nice to hear from you and would love to keep in touch!

  2. I’m so happy that you are focusing on your writing seriously….to get published. I think having a blog will help you to move you forward. Just believe in yourself that you have a talent for writing that needs to be shared.

    • Thanks for this, Linda! Once again I’m updating things today and hopefully am still on the right track! Haven’t been published yet but hopefully moving in that direction!

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